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April 7, 2021

Feature: Cancer May Be Driven by DNA Outside of Chromosomes

By Paul Mischel

In the last decade, researchers have come to realize that tumors harbor bits of extrachromosomal DNA that can drive malignancy.

Mysterious Immune Cells Change the Gut Lining to Accommodate Diet

By Stephanie Melchor

A study shows gamma-delta T cells in mice respond to shifts in nutrients by changing the cellular composition of the intestinal epithelium.

Scientists Reverse Engineer mRNA Sequence of Moderna Vaccine

By Lisa Winter

Stanford University researchers determined the code from spare drops in discarded vials of the COVID-19 vaccine and published it on GitHub.

ICYMI: First Report of Horizontal Gene Transfer Between Plant and Animal

By Emma Yasinski

Whiteflies overcome a toxin in plants they eat through the use of the plant’s own genetic protection, likely ferried from plant to insect millions of years ago by a virus.


Infographic: The Role of Extrachromosomal DNA in Cancer

By Paul Mischel

Researchers are uncovering how circular bits of DNA found in some cancer cells can help tumors evolve and kill.

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Improving Food Security with Genetics

By The Scientist Creative Services Team


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